ISSN 1671-2072  CN 31-1863/N

›› 2002 ›› Issue (01): 37-39.

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  1. 厦门市检察院

Lie-Detecting Technique and its Application in the Domestic Judicial Practice

ZENG Ze-min (Xiamen People's Procuratorate)   

摘要: 测谎仪的发明和应用,在犯罪侦查史上是一个重大的突破。现在,测谎技术作为一项通用高科技已被世界上50多个国家广泛应用于国防、司法乃至商业等各个领域。实践证明,测谎技求完全是科学可信的,通过测谎可以准确地鉴别有罪和无罪。近年来,测谎技术正快速和大量地进入了我国司法领域,它作为一种行之有效的辅助侦查手段,为公、检、法、司等机关解决众多疑难案件提供了重要的参考依据,并取得显著效果。为了促进和推广这项技术的应用,本文着重对测谎技术的概念和原理及其在我国司法实践中的应用等方面作较详细的阐述。

关键词: 测谎, 测谎技术, 测谎仪, 司法实践

Abstract: The invention and application of lie detectors are a great breakthrough in the history of criminal investigation. Lie-detecting techniques have been widely applied to many fields such as national defence, judicial investigation and even commerce activities in more than fifty nations of the world. Practice proves that lie-detecting techniques are scientific and reliable and can be used to distinguish between guilty and not guilty. In recent years, the technique has been rapidly and widely adopted by domestic judicial institutions of police, courts, procuratorates and etc., achieving notable scores in providing important evidence in difficult cases as an effective supplementary means of criminal investigation. The concept and principle of lie-detecting techniques are introduced and its application in the domestic judicial practice is discussed.

Key words: lie, lie-detecting technique, lie detector, judicial practice