ISSN 1671-2072  CN 31-1863/N

中国司法鉴定 ›› 2024 ›› Issue (2): 25-32.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2072.2024.02.004

• 专题研讨:域外司法鉴定制度研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华东政法大学 刑事法学院,上海 200042
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-07 出版日期:2024-03-15 发布日期:2024-03-16
  • 作者简介:孙大明(1977—),男,主任法医师,博士,硕士研究生导师,主要从事司法鉴定理论和法医鉴定实务研究。E-mail:daming1575@126.com
  • 基金资助:

The Function, Characteristics, and Refference of the British Coroner System

SUN Daming   

  1. Criminal Justice College, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 200042, China
  • Received:2023-09-07 Published:2024-03-15 Online:2024-03-16

摘要: 英国死因裁判制度源远流长,至今对多国死因调查程序仍有重要影响。从制度初建到系统完善,英国死因裁判制度既具死因调查的独立性、公开性和全面性等鲜明特色,也展现出制度本身的程序价值和实体功能。在镜鉴英国死因裁判制度优点的基础上,从扩展死因调查方式、理顺与死因鉴定的关系、适当公开死因调查结果以及建立特殊案件死因听证制度等方面完善死因认定制度。尽快构建符合我国国情的现代化死因调查、鉴定和裁判制度。

关键词: 死因裁判制度, 死因调查, 死因鉴定, 法医病理学

Abstract: The British coroner system has a long history and still has significant influence worldwide. It has distinct characteristics, the independence, openness, comprehensiveness, and professionalism of death cause investigation, reflecting the procedural value and substantive function of the system itself. On the basis of drawing on the advantages of the British system of determining the cause of death, we can improve the system of determining the cause of death by expanding the methods of death cause investigation, streamlining the relationship between cause of death identification, appropriately disclosing the results of the death cause investigation, and establishing a special case hearing system for the cause of death.Ultimately, a complete modern system for investigating, identifying, and adjudicating causes of death will be established in China.

Key words: coroner system, death cause investigation, death cause identification, forensic pathology
