ISSN 1671-2072  CN 31-1863/N

中国司法鉴定 ›› 2024 ›› Issue (2): 99-104.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2072.2024.02.013

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  1. 北京民生物证科学司法鉴定所,北京 100079
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-18 出版日期:2024-03-15 发布日期:2024-03-16
  • 作者简介:剪宏伟(1986—),男,主检法医师,主要从事法医临床、法医病理鉴定和质量管理工作。E-mail:358345240@qq.com

Current Situation and Reflection on the Title System of Forensic Appraisers

JIAN Hongwei   

  1. Beijing Minsheng Institute of Judicial Testimony, Beijing 100079, China
  • Received:2023-12-18 Published:2024-03-15 Online:2024-03-16

摘要: 职称制度在司法鉴定活动中具有重要的作用,是司法行政部门审核从业人员能力、把好进人关的一项重要参考指标。通过对当前司法鉴定人职称制度现状的阐述和思考,建议有关部门在落实《关于深化职称制度改革的意见》时,结合司法鉴定活动的特点,进一步对评审体系进行完善,并对《司法部司法鉴定人高级职称评审实施细则(征求意见稿)》提出了几点建议,以期相关部门采纳。

关键词: 司法鉴定, 职称评审, 公信力, 诚实守信

Abstract: The professional title system plays an important role in forensic appraisal activities, and is an important reference indicator for judicial administrative departments to review the abilities of practitioners and ensure their entry into the workforce. Through an exposition and reflection on the current status of the professional title system for forensic appraisers, it is suggested that relevant departments, in implementing the Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Professional Title System, further improve the evaluation system based on the characteristics of forensic appraisal activities,and put forward several suggestions for the Implementation Rules for the Evaluation of Senior Professional Titles of Forensic Appraisers by the Ministry of Justice (Draft for Soliciting Opinions), and expect that it be adopted by relevant departments.

Key words: forensic appraisal, professional title evaluation, public credibility, honesty and trustworthiness
